Allocating unbounded resources to a kubernetes pod

Note: this article assumes that the reader is familiar with Kubernetes and Linux cgroups.

When deploying a pod in a Kubernetes cluster, you normally have 2 choices when it comes to resources allotment:

  • defining CPU/memory resource requests and limits at the pod level
  • defining default CPU/memory requests and limits at the namespace level using a LimitRange

However, what if circumstances allowed you to allocate unbounded resources to your pod? While that would go against the idea of bin-packing pods by using resource bounded cgroups, it could still useful if you ran no other pods that the unbounded one on your node. In that case, wouldn't be interested in protecting your pod against any noisy neighbour, and you'd want it to be able to use all the available node resources.

This (while not strictly documented) can be accomplished by using the following resource limits and requests:

    cpu: 0
    memory: 0
    cpu: 0
    memory: 0

In our case, we also have a defined LimitRange in our namespace, so we want to make sure that our request for unbounded resources does not get overridden by the default values.

$ kubectl describe limitrange my-limit-range
Name:       my-limit-range
Namespace:  default
Type        Resource  Min  Max  Default Request  Default Limit
----        --------  ---  ---  ---------------  -------------
Container   memory    -    -    512Mi            1Gi
Container   cpu       -    -    500m             1

$ kubectl get pod my-pod -o jsonpath='{.spec.containers[0].resources}'
map[limits:map[cpu:0 memory:0] requests:map[cpu:0 memory:0]]

It seems that the LimitRange has not overridden our request. However, we see a different picture when we inspect the node running our pod:

$ kubectl get pod my-pod -o jsonpath='{.spec.nodeName}'
$ kubectl describe node my-node
Non-terminated Pods:         (6 in total)
  Namespace    Name     CPU Requests  CPU Limits  Memory Requests  Memory Limits
  ---------    ----     ------------  ----------  ---------------  -------------
  datadog      my-pod   500m (13%)    1 (26%)     512Mi (2%)       1Gi (4%)

Who should we believe? When different parts of the control plane disagree on the resource allotment, there's really one place to get the truth from: the container cgroup itself.

To do so, we need to exec into the pod, and inspect the CPU quota and memory limit values.

$ kubectl exec -it my-pod
user@my-pod:/$ cat /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/cpu.cfs_quota_us

As detailed on the Linux kernel documentation, or the Red Hat documentation portal

A value of -1 for cpu.cfs_quota_us indicates that the group does not have any bandwidth restriction in place, such a group is described as an unconstrained bandwidth group. This represents the traditional work-conserving behavior for CFS.

Now, the memory.

user@my-pod:/$ cat /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/memory.limit_in_bytes

That looks odd. This would indicate that the process has a limit of ... 8191TB of memory!

Digging a bit further, we learn that 9223372036854771712 is a kind of "magic" number in the memory management layer of the kernel, meaning that the process gets unbounded memory.


Looking at the cgroup itself showed that a value of 0 for cpu/memory requests/limits is not intercepted by the LimitRange in place, and is translated to an unbounded cgroup in the end. It also showed that the pod resource requests and limits reported at the node level are inaccurate.
